Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pediatritian Appointment: 5 weeks

This week has been one of many challenges! I started back to work on Monday, which was inevitable. Kate came over on Monday morning to help me with Autumn and I am so thankful that she did! About 2pm, I ran upstairs to get something, and on my way back down I rolled my foot and went down like a ton of bricks! While I was in pain and couldn't stand right away, I thought I'd live, so I just limped over to my desk and began working again. My foot started to swell and the pain started to get worse, so Kate and I thought it was a good idea to go to the doctor to get it checked out. One doctor's appointment and one x-ray later, and it was confirmed that the foot was not broken, but he advised that I keep off of it and to use crutches whenever possible. My question is, how do you use crutches with a newborn?? So basically I have just been limping around the house for the last couple of days. And my mom came down to help us out as well. It's a lot better now, but the side of my foot is an odd shade of black! YUCK.

Autumn had just been growing like a little weed these days. I have been anxious to take her to the doctor to find out how much she weighs now, and yesterday was the day I had been waiting for. While my mom was here, she was trying to tell me that Autumn was at least 10 pounds, and I thought that was a little excessive. We decided to make a side bet about her weight! My guess was that she was between 7 3/4 and 8 3/4 pounds. My mom's guess was between 8 3/4 and 9 3/4 pounds and the prize was a Starbucks drink after the appointment. My mom was trying to cheat by feeding her extra milk, but I was still confident. When we arrived at the appointment, they took her to the scale, and she was 8 pounds, 11 1/2 ounces, which meant that I won by 1/2 ounce! She is now 20 3/4 inches long. That puts her in the 40th percentile for both her height and weight. The doctor was very pleased at her size and I was praised for my breastfeeding abilities. We had a good chat with the doctor, and Autumn had to get a shot, which she screamed through. I don't blame her one bit, though. The needle had to be as long as her little thigh is wide and I was convinced that it was going to come out the other side. The next doctor's appointment is her 2 month, and she will be getting 4 shots and something up her nose. I just may need a sedative for that one...

I can't believe that my little girl is almost 6 weeks old. She is really starting to take in her surroundings and is more and more alert each day. She is holding her head up with less bobbling and making more and more noises each day. I think she's going to be a talker when she grows up! It breaks my heart to look back at her teeny tiny baby pictures and realize that she's just going to keep getting bigger! I wish she could stay this little forever...

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