Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Autumn at 6 Weeks

I am finding it hard to believe that my little girl is already 6 weeks old. She is still such a tiny little girl, but she is growing every day! We have found a couple of 0-3 month-sized outfits that don't completely swallow her, which is really exciting. I was getting a little tired of seeing the same shirt and pant combos day after day! I cleaned out her drawer and pulled out the clothes that absolutely don't fit her anymore to make room for the new additions (not that I've bought any more clothes, we're just starting to rotate the right sized ones in!). Another thing relating to her size is that she officially does not fit in the Pampers size N diapers anymore! Unfortunately, she doesn't fit in the next size up, which are the 1s, so thanks to my friend Angela, I was redirected to the Huggies size N, which fit! It's sad to say that I've really come to rely on the indicator line on the diaper which tells me if she's wet or not, and thankfully both brands have them. I swear, diapers these days are really good at not letting you know when the baby is wet, so as a new mom, seeing that little line is reassuring.

Another development is that Autumn has begun to realize that her hands work! I see her batting at the things that we've been hanging over her head, she just doesn't quite know how to grab them yet. I'm sure we'll get there soon! She has learned to grab on to me, which I absolutely love. I will have her on my lap while I'm working and she grabs on to my collar and it's just the most precious thing I've ever seen. It's almost as if she is telling me that she's willing to take a nap as long as she knows that I'm not going to put her down! I am sure that these are not the beginning signs of separation anxiety, it is only that she loves her mommy and would rather be in my arms than in her swing or her cradle!
And finally, we officially have smiles. Real, pure smiles! I even captured it on the video camera today, and as soon as Hailey lends me the software to actually get the videos on to the computer, I will post it here. It's a wonderful sight and it will melt any heart!

On a final note, I am looking for a gadget to view my Picasa photos with. I added one... Let me know what you think (or if you can suggest a better one)!

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