Saturday, May 9, 2009

User Error.

I will keep this posting short with just a short video of my precious. This was taken last Wednesday with my digital camera, and unfortunately I turned the camera sideways to get the whole shot. I learned the hard way, though, that when you turn the camera sideways, you cannot turn it back the right way when you transfer it to the computer. However, this is such an adorable video that I cannot bring myself to delete it. Tenley and I tried to recreate the moment, but Autumn would not cooperate. The bottom line is that I'm stuck with a video that you'll have to turn your head to enjoy! It's really the sound that's important with this one anyways!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oh I can't wait until Graham is really laughing! Right now he just smiles really big and says, "AAH." Still cute, but I can't wait for those real giggles!