Sunday, March 22, 2009

Out and About

Since I work from home, it's absolutely necessary that I leave the house on the weekends. Unfortunately, I'm not very creative when it comes to going places, so most times leaving the house means going shopping. While I enjoy shopping as much as the next gal, I absolutely cannot afford to do it 2 full days a week! It's also difficult to come up with places to take a 3 1/2 month old as well. Once Autumn gets a little older, I know that a lot of options will open up, but for now, taking her out of the house is a full production!

When Jeremy and I first started dating we liked to go fishing. Those days, I was trying to impress him, so I'd even bait my own hook! (Those days are long gone since I know he'll do it for me, ha ha). He once took me to this little park north of Leander on the North San Gabirel River called Camp Tejas. They have a great little walking trail that's about just less than a mile and then it opens up at the river where there's lots of space to fish and just lay out a blanket and enjoy the sun. Before I got pregnant, we started to get healthy and would take the jeep and the dogs up there and get in a little exercise while enjoying the outdoors. We stopped going when I was pregnant and kind of just forgot about our little retreat.

Well our Autumn is an outside girl!! So yesterday, we decided to take Autumn up to Camp Tejas so we could all enjoy this beautiful weather that we've been having. So we packed a water/bottle cooler (our cooler these days is so different than the pre-Autumn days!), a blanket, some diapers, our little kangaroo pouch, and Dolly and Abby (Sunny can't go on long walks because of her hips) in the Jetta and hit the road! Jeremy was disappointed that I wouldn't let Autumn ride in the Jeep just yet, but that is not something that I am ready for. Once we got there, we loaded Autumn in the kangaroo pouch and I loaded up a backpack with our necessities and we hit the trail. We had a great little walk down to the river and laid out our blanket, which our dogs quickly jumped on, and sat to rest a little. Unfortunately, once we sat down, Autumn got fussy. I tried to feed her a little, but she wasn't having any of that, so we had to pack up and head on back to the car. While we didn't get to stay as long as I wanted, we did have a nice day out. I got some cute pictures too!
On the way back, we found out why Autumn was fussy... She was pooped! Luckily, her daddy didn't care that she wanted a little nap while he walked. If only we were all so lucky! Unfortunately they don't make these kangaroo carriers in adult size...

As a side note, I'm open to any and all suggestions of things to do and places to go with Autumn :)

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Soooo freakin' jealous of the weather! You have no idea what I'm stuck in right now. You could see if your local Children's museum has a baby section. The one in Houston had one and it was nice for a new environment. Also check into the local library and see if they have a baby story time. Our library in Houston would blow bubbles for the babies and it's never too early to get them hooked into books. When she starts to get a little more mobile you can look into Gymboree...actually I think Gymboree has music classes for her age. Nice long walks in the open air are great too. And much easier on the pocketbook.