Sunday, March 29, 2009

Out and About part 2 (sans baby)

Jeremy and I were able to have some time to ourselves like we did before we had a baby! My mom dropped in for the weekend to let us have a little adult fun! On Saturday, we drove down to Gruene Hall for the day for some mexican food (yummm... Adobe Verde) and fine Texas music. A lot of people love Gruene for the shopping, but I'm not sure that type of shopping is for me. I have enough crap in my house and I think all of that stuff is overpriced anyways. So after the food, we walked over to Gruene Hall for the free afternoon concert and some Shiner Bock. I had not heard of the people playing (Gary Claxton, Erik Hokkanen & Friends), but we were up for anything. It was old classic country and we had a blast. There was this gal on the steel guitar who was badass and then a guitar/fiddle player that was just amazing. I turned on my camera when he started a version of the Orange Blossom Special and got a bit of the song which I'll post here for your enjoyment :) He really brought the house down!

It was really nice to enjoy some adult beverages and get away for a couple of hours to remind me what we used to do on weekends, although Autumn was a good part of our conversation while we were gone.

Speaking of my little genius, she is learning more and more every day! She's started to sing (well, when I sing to her she sings back at me). While she may not yet be on key, I'm convinced that she'll be the winner of the 25th season of American Idol. She loves music and I've started to sit her in my lap while I play the piano and she seems to really respond to it.

She really loves being outside and we've been going on daily walks. We had been using our "mall stroller" but it's kind of a rough ride on our sidewalks. I found a great deal on a 3-wheel stroller that I've had my eye on, so I bought it last week. It's pretty nice for what I paid for it, and Autumn likes it too! She looks so tiny in it right now!

She has also started to grab things and try to put them in her mouth. She concentrates so hard when she's reaching for her toys (or my hair, or my shirt...) and when she gets it, you can see the look of relief. Then the wheels start turning when she's trying to figure out what to do with it once she's got it. It's the most amazing thing to watch her figure things out and learn. I'm so proud of my little girl!

The thumb-sucking has been mastered with both thumbs now, but she still loves her pacifier. I'm glad that she's learned to soothe herself when the paci is not readily available and that should make the transition to her big girl bed and out of our bedroom all that much easier (on her; definitely not on me)! Wouldn't you want this to be the first thing you saw when you woke up every morning??

Or if I'm really lucky, I'll wake up first and get to see this face...

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