Friday, November 14, 2008

Dr Appt Update: 34 weeks

What a wonderful weekend last weekend was! On Saturday, I rang in my 31st birthday in style with some beautiful roses from Jeremy, a visit from my friend, Char, and a fun evening at the Walburg Restaurant! We jammed to Loreli und Schatzi (who have been dubbed the female Smothers Brothers, haha) and ate everything in site! Here are pics of the Walburg gang:

On Sunday, my wonderful friends threw Autumn a baby shower and it shows once again how truly blessed I am! I received tons of baby items, and all will be extremely useful once she gets here. The highlight of the shower, though, was that I was given my nursery bedding that was made especially for Autumn. My mother in-law made a beautiful quilt that will hang on the wall and my friend Elizabeth's sister, Gretchen, made the bumper pads. I teared up when I saw them both, as they are so incredibly perfect! I can't wait until I'm able to actually set up the nursery!!I forgot to take my camera to the shower and I am so bummed. There are some that were snapping shots, but I wasn't really paying attention who that was. So whoever you are, share the pictures, please! I did take some pictures of the aftermath once I got home and have shared a couple of them here.

Yesterday, I went to my 34 week doctor appointment! It all started out normally with them asking me to get on the scale. I was absolutely shocked to learn that I have gained 4 pounds in 2 weeks!!!! Then they took my bp, which was a little high, but I told them that it was purely because I was not yet over the shock of my weight :) And then they asked me to pee in the cup, which unfortunately I am all too used to. Side note: my doctor's doesn't have her own office right now because she is getting a brand new one at the Cedar Park Hospital. She currently operates out of a local Urgent Care Clinic. I don't want to complain, but I really hate the hand soap in the bathroom!!! I'm sure it is some generic anti-bac concoction, but it just smells awful! That is the main reason I can't wait for her office construction to be done, haha. Anyways, back to the original subject. I think that they need to change the way that they do things. When a pregnant woman first comes in to the office, she needs to pee in the cup. Then, she can have her BP taken, and finally, she needs to have her weight recorded. Doesn't that make sense?

When my doctor came in the office, we talked about the normal stuff... She asked about aches and pains and the Braxton-Hicks contractions that I've been having, all of which are completely normal at this point. She measured by belly (which is still on track) and we heard her heartbeat. The highlight was when she rolled out the ultrasound machine! Unfortunately, at 34 weeks, it's harder to see details of the baby due to the cramped quarters, but I at least got to take a peek at my little precious. Her arms were in front of her face, so I didn't see anything there, but we did see an ear! I also saw a knee, a couple of bones, lots of ribs, and her strong beating heart. The best part, though, was that I now know what parts of her body have been poking me! At this point, she is in the head-down position with her back facing my left side. Her little butt is what has been up in my ribs under my left boob, and her little legs and arms are pointed to the right side of my body.

And finally, here's the belly (and my work-gear pjs) at 34 weeks and 3 days! Enjoy :)

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