Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sleeping through the night update

When Autumn's doctor and I were discussing the way to get her on the path to sleeping through the night, I made the comment that everything up to this point has been so easy with her that I knew that this was going to be our downfall. The doctor responded that Autumn may surprise me and leave the difficult days until adolescence. Well, after a week of diligently practicing what my doctor suggested, Autumn has proven to amaze me once more!! I was really skeptical about the whole plan, but I kept an open mind about it. I mean, if you're used to getting food at 3am and suddenly it's cut off, wouldn't you be pissed? I especially expected push back on this new plan from the little one who really enjoys her milk (see previous post with her now current weight of 11lbs!).

We started the plan last Thursday night and have worked on it every night since. The first 3 nights, we put Autumn down at 9pm after a bath, some books and some milk and she woke up at 3am. I waited the appropriate time (2, 4, and then 6 minutes of her crying), then picked her up and she was easily rocked back to sleep in my arms. Sunday and Monday nights proved to be a bit more challenging, as she woke up at 2am both nights, but the 8 and 10 minutes of crying were brutal. I felt like such a horrible mother! She was screaming for me and I had to just lay there and listen. I watched that clock like a hawk and as soon as the time was up, I jumped up and got my baby. Last night, I was shocked to wake up at 3am and see her peacefully sleeping away! I even had to check to make sure that she was breathing because she was so still! I went back to sleep and she woke up at about 4:15 am and I was able to rock her back to sleep once again. 7 whole hours of sleep! That may not be officially sleeping throught the night, but I know we're at least on the right track!

On a lighter note, a funny thing happened this morning. Kate was over helping me with Autumn and so she changed her diaper and put some little pants on her and then fed her. About 30 minutes later, after the bottle was empty, Kate picked Autumn back up to head to the kitchen and we noticed that something was not quite right with her pants... See for yourself!

How she managed to do that (without noticing!), we will never know. I think Aunt Kate needs to practice putting on baby clothes a little more...


Jenn said...

That is TOO funny...way to go Kate!

Hailey said...

Way to go Auts on the sleeping!!!

AND - I literally just laughed out loud at the pic of Aunt Kate and Autumn :) TOO CUTE!

Jeff and Lauren said...

This is hilarious, what a great picture! Just what I needed at the end of a long day. Looks like you're doing well, glad to see it!! xo