Thursday, February 12, 2009

Particularly Rough Day for Autumn

This morning, we went to the Pediatritian for Autumn's 2 month appointment and boy was I surprised when they put her little chunky monkey self on the scale and it read 11 pounds even! My mom and I had another side bet on the weight and goodness gracious I was off. My bet was under 10 1/4 pounds and hers was over. I guess you can't win 'em all! She is now 22 1/2 inches long which puts her in the 50th percentile for both height and weight. Perfection :)

We also discussed how to get on the path to sleeping 10-12 hours every night, which seems like a zillion years away from where we are right now. Autumn has slept 6 hours straight a total of 3 times, and they were not in a row. She usually sleeps 3-4 hours at a time now. But I have the prescription from the doctor of how to work towards that long stretch of sleep. Tonight I'm supposed to ignore her when she first wakes up in the middle of the night and let her get to a full-on cry. After 2 minutes of that crying, I'm allowed to pick her up and comfort her, but not to feed her (unless I can't take it anymore and I give in). From what I'm being told, her mid-night feed is not necessary and is just for comfort at this stage. We'll see how this goes tonight, but I don't have high hopes.

The one ray of sunshine during the appointment was when we were discussing what Autumn can do. They asked if she is smiling (definitely yes!), following objects with her eyes (check!), responding to sounds (have you seen her impression of the movie Teen Wolf??). She's right on target developmentally in all of those areas. I mentioned that when I hold her up in a standing position, she pushes back with her legs and will stand there with support and the doctor said "really?". So she tried it, and sure enough, my little one performed! And the doctor's response was "Wow, that's early!". Yep, folks, I've got a prodigy on my hands!

The worst part of the whole appointment was at the end when she received 4 shots. There were 2 in each thigh and she screamed as expected. She did amazingly good afterwards, though. I guess that short memory span really helps out in certain situations. I think I did pretty good during the torture. While she was laying on the table, I just leaned over her and did not watch the huge needles being plunged into my daughter again and again. I just tried to comfort her and tell her it was all going to be okay.

After Autumn's 3pm feeding today, she started crying a horrible screaming cry and I suspect it's due to the 4 shots that she received this morning! I'm sure the baby Tylenol that she received this morning has officially worn off. I have a feeling that the sleep regimen is not going to go as planned tonight. She doesn't feel good and I know it. I don't think I'm going to be able to hear her scream for 2 full minutes! Oh well, we can really start trying tomorrow!

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