Monday, April 20, 2009

A Weekend Away

Jeremy's company was nice enough to give us their tickets for the Rangers game last Saturday night so we headed north once again!

Road trips these days are so much different than they used to be. I have always been an over-packer because I am a firm believer that you never know what mood you're going to be in, and my mood determines my outfit for the day! So I always back multiple outfits whenever we go out of town. My over-packing has flowed over to my packing for Autumn as well. Her moods may not determine her outfits, but her spitting up/drooling/pooping does. Some days, we go through 4! Since Autumn's things are much more important than mine, I was determined to not overpack this time. On Saturday morning I dressed comfortably but nicely to wear both in the car and to the ball game. I packed one additional outfit for our return trip home and that was it! I was so proud. For Autumn, though, we packed the clothes, diapers, wipes, bottles, extra milk, toys, bath, bottle warmer, stroller, blanket, car seat and everything else I could throw in the car before we left. As you can imagine, all of this crap leaves no room for our dogs, so they got to stay home, much to their dismay.

We headed off with our packed car and got all the way to Waco before we hit a horrible traffic jam and we were literally stopped on I35. It was right about the time that Autumn needed to eat, so luckily we were stopped next to an exit, so we got off the highway so we could stop and get her ready. I took her out of her seat and discovered the biggest diaper explosion possible. It was awful. I laid the blanket on my lap before taking her pants off and I'm so glad that I did because I was wearing white pants! Unfortunately, it was all over her shirt, pants, and herself, so cleaning it up was a challenge in the backseat of my car. Jeremy got one of the multiple outfits that I brough to change her in to and I managed to get it on and get her back in to her seat.

We made a stop in Burleson to check in on Autumn's boyfriend, William. He is getting so big! He's now 7 weeks old and as cute as can be. We stayed and chatted with Joan and Wes for a while and it was great to catch up! Before we left, we had to get their picture together again to show them when they're older...

Aren't they precious together? Although Jeremy and I think that William's hand is a little too close to Autumn's leg. Getting fresh at 7 weeks... just like his daddy! Yep, nothing but mischief in those eyes. We'd better keep our eye on that one.

By the time we got to Jeremy's parent's house, I had poop, spitup and drool all over my shirt, so we stopped at Target so I could get another shirt. So much for light packing...

Saturday night, we had tickets to the Rangers game and Autumn got to stay with her Granny Randy. We had such a great time at the game (even though the Rangers lost) and it was also nice to have a night to be babyless again!

We drove home on Sunday and the bluebonnets on 35W were so beautiful. Jeremy pulled over on the side of the road so we could take the obligatory child in the bluebonnets shot. Since Autumn isn't sitting up on her own yet, we just left her in the car seat, but we still got some great shots just the same.

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