Friday, December 4, 2009


Maybe I'm just completely naive, but I'm seriously outraged right now. I have a YouTube account, and every once in a while I'll post videos that I want to share with my friends and family. For example, if I take a video of your kid and my kid together, rather than emailing the huge file, I'll just post it to this account so you can see how cute it is! I don't use the account very often, but seriously don't think twice when I do.

I posted a couple of new videos today to share with friends and family (separate post about that one) and then went back to look at how much my little girl has grown in the past year. When you have a video uploaded to YouTube, you can see if people have rated it, if someone's commented on it, or you can also see how many times your video has been viewed. I don't think of my videos as hot topics and so the majority of them have about 10 views, and I know that they're the ones I've sent out to my friends to see. You can imagine my surprise when I noticed that 2 of my videos had over 150 views (no ratings or comments, just views). Do you want to know what these videos contained? They were of my daughter having fun in the bath with her friend. These are BABIES, people. Little cute BABIES and there was nothing on this video other than 2 little BABIES from the chest up, sitting in the tub splashing eachother and having a fun, rated G time in the bath. What I want to know is who the hell has been looking at my BABY playing in the bathtub??

Needless to say, these videos have been deleted from my YouTube account. I have created a new, private account on another website that I won't be publicly announcing, for my friends and family. Period. If you fall in to one of these categories, I'll gladly share this new place to watch my daughter grow. But to all you pervs out there who have repeatedly watched my precious bathtime videos, you're sick and need to stay away from me and my family.

1 comment:

LovelyMrsBeavers said...

Oh my gosh, Karen. I am sick FOR you. People are beyond messed up, and to think that your little girl was viewed by a mental defective is out of this world. I am enraged!